Top 12 cybersecurity Infrastructure en 2021


    The cybersecurity landscape in 2021 was defined by various trends and developments, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity infrastructure. Here’s a synthesis of the key trends based on the sources I found:

    1. Protecting Critical Infrastructure: There was a significant emphasis on protecting critical infrastructure globally. Governments invested in programs to safeguard national security-related supply chains, and there was a debate on the best ways to protect these systems, including secure perimeter tactics and digital assurance technologies. Critical infrastructure is expanding to include technologies in space and internal medical devices, necessitating improved security methods​.

    2. The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI’s role in cybersecurity expanded, serving as a force multiplier in vulnerability scanning and threat detection. However, adversaries also utilized AI to identify network weaknesses. AI and machine learning are expected to increasingly spot system anomalies early on​.

    3. Security and Privacy Alignment: The relationship between security and privacy was a focal point. While they share objectives, there are conflicts, especially where technology or business models require the identification of actors. The complexity is increased by varying global privacy laws and regulations​.

    4. Human Threats and Machine Trust: With the rise of multifactor authentication, attackers have shifted focus to exploiting human vulnerabilities through methods like phishing. The intersection of AI with human psychology is leading to more robust detection capabilities where unusual digital behavior can trigger investigations​.

    5. Integration of Hardware and Software Security: As software becomes more secure, attackers are targeting deeper layers such as firmware and hardware. The relationship between hardware and software is crucial for system trust, and there is a trend towards designing them to work more effectively together for real-time verification and attestation​.

    6. Digital Transformation and Cloud Adoption: The shift towards remote work has accelerated the move to the cloud. This raises questions about the physical security of hardware and layered approaches to software security. Future discussions will likely include privacy, trustworthiness, and ethical considerations in data collection and storage​.

    For more detailed insights into these trends, you can refer to the sources: InfosecTrain’s article on “Top 10 Security and Risk Trends for Information Infrastructure In 2021″​​ and Help Net Security’s “6 top cybersecurity trends from 2021 and their impact on 2022″​.


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